Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Love From Nagaland

Hello Supporters,

Thank you Patti for your encouraging words. The Knapp Family enjoyed fellowship with you very much last Sunday.

Here is a message from Hannah.

The people here are nice, friendly, look young, and about 70% of the population is Christian. This results in encouraging signs compared to Jack in the box advertisements. One sign said "The greatest crime is killing time." I have not personally invited anyone to accept God, but as a group we raise a couple of hands to actually receive Christ. NAS is a leadership program, as Ted explained, but I'm glad to have used it many other ways. What other leadership programs open up hearts towards God? I thank God for using me!



I also received a newspaper article from Hannah's Poppa. The link is below and it includes a picture of the NAS crew.

Love always,

Bob Knapp

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